WB 27 01 2025

We enjoyed Chinese New Year treats in Owlets; penguins in Snowy Owls; making up creatures in Barn Owls and some swimming in Eagle Owls.
Some Eagle Owls enjoyed a fun morning at the UEA where they played games and were supported by Sports Leaders from HA.

WB 27 01 2025

We enjoyed Chinese New Year treats in Owlets; penguins in Snowy Owls; making up creatures in Barn Owls and some swimming in Eagle Owls.
The Barn Owls are currently reading Dick King Smith’s ‘The Hodgeheg’. They had fun playing with compound words and then making new versions of animals. They also described them using compound sentences with coordinating conjunctions.

In science last week the Barn Owls explored magnets. This week they found out how they actually work and recorded this in their books.

WB 27 01 2025

We enjoyed Chinese New Year treats in Owlets; penguins in Snowy Owls; making up creatures in Barn Owls and some swimming in Eagle Owls.
Continuing with the Antartica theme, Snowy Owls develop their drawing skills. We’re sure you’ll agree they’ve done an excellent job 🐧🩷

WB 27 01 2025

We enjoyed Chinese New Year treats in Owlets; penguins in Snowy Owls; making up creatures in Barn Owls and some swimming in Eagle Owls.
Owlets learnt all about Chinese New Year and made their own lanterns.

Owlets were able to taste noodles and even had a go with chopsticks to eat them as part of their Chinese New Year day.

WB 20 01 2025

Some of the topics across school this half term include: Antarctica, Magnets, Norwich, Space, The Maya and Music Producers!
Eagle Owls Y6 are enjoying their last half term using large apparatus at our school. Lots of weight on hands and balances.

Eagle Owls added the next track to their music production – this time MELODY and then vocal tracks in the form of RAP.

WB 20 01 2025

Some of the topics across school this half term include: Antarctica, Magnets, Norwich, Space, The Maya and Music Producers!
In science this week, the Barn Owls enjoyed exploring what they could do with magnets. In their next lesson they will be finding out the science behind their exploring.

WB 20 01 2025

Some of the topics across school this half term include: Antarctica, Magnets, Norwich, Space, The Maya and Music Producers!
Year 1 shared their work with the Owlets this week and read to them.

Snowy Owls have made paper plate compasses in geography and thought about directions around the world.

Snowy Owls have been practising their drawing skills in art in line with their Antarctica topic.

WB 20 01 2025

Some of the topics across school this half term include: Antarctica, Magnets, Norwich, Space, The Maya and Music Producers!
Owlets used the penguins from their Antarctic Topic to do some cross curricular maths – measuring the height of the penguins in cubes!

Year 1 shared their work and read to the Owlets this week.

WB 13 01 2025

January continues with winter warming activities going on inside!!
Eagle Owls continue with their music producing program and this week we added chord progression to the bass and drums.