Little Melton Primary School Email: Home page

Barn OwlsEagle Owls

WB 20 11 2023

We had a great week this week with lots of exciting events! A whole school arts afternoon preparing art for the church; a multi skills event for Y2 to go and represent the school and our 7 Cross Country Finalists who went to High Lodge, Thetford Forest to compete against pupils from all over the whole of Norfolk!
Pupils from across KS2 went to High Lodge at Thetford where they raced against pupils from all over Norfolk, representing not only us, but also the rest of Norwich – against so many more than at Eaton Park! Thank you to all the parents who were able to transport and be our supporters 🩷 Well done to our brilliant 7. Our top finisher was a Y4 who came 14th out of 80!! Fantastic 👏🏻👏🏻